Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Winter training has finally arrived!

After a few weeks away from the track, resting up, skipping and cycling for fitness, the winter prep begins!
So good being back running! Started for a week now getting some serious mileage down. "Sweaty running" coach likes to call it! This term especially apply to the 35minute running session!
Looking forward to getting back in the gym next week to start some brutal sessions. At least in the gym there is some shelter from this shocking rain, which for some miracle, I have just been able to avoid due to some very lucky timing!

Camp King has also had some injury problems, not from the athletes themselves but from our coach and leader Steve. After falling over at training and breaking his hip, he is now recovering in hospital after surgery! Hope to see him back on the track soon, I'm sure this little set back won't keep him away for long! Speedy recovery big Steve! 
